I showed up at his job, heels, short skirt, and very low cut top. Walking to the double glass doors all eyes were on me ad rightfully so. I asked the reciptionist if he was available, she nods her head yes. I place my finger to my lips motioning her not to let know im here. My 6in heels made music to the floor as I walked back to his private office. I checked my reflection in the pictures on the wall; perfection. Tapping on the door, and openning it he looked up at me, I smiled seductively. His eyes wide in bewilderment, I stripped right there in front of him, revealing that I had nothing on under,the form fitting clothes; both sets of lips smiled at him, this pretty shaved pussy had been waiting for him. He leaned back in his chair and fucked me with his eyes, I wanted more than just his eyes I wanted his dick and his tongue and those I shall have. He summomed me to me, but instead I lifted my leg to his side table and slid a finger to my clit twirling it around in circles, making her gushy like he liked it. He got up from his desk and came over to me, dick on hard. I could see it through his neatly pressed pants. He got on his knees and began licking the juices running down my thighs, before he dove into the main course. He forced me to sit down on the chair behind me. He licked around the clit and then took it into his mouth and sucked me gently, I moaned and grabbed his head and started fucking his face. He stuck his tongue deep in my pussy he pushed my legs back; licked and licked and licked some more. My body began to shake as the orgasm was oozing its way out of me. Exploding into his mouth as his tongue did tricks to my clit. I didnt even get,a chance to catch my breath before he slid that dick into me. He deep hard stroke sent my pussy into overload, juices were going everywhere; running down my ass, his dick, my thighs, making puddles in his chair. The chair banged against the wall and he aint give a fuck. The,harder he went the louder I screamed, he put his,hand over my mouth and continued the pounding the pussy my eyes,rolled to the back of my head. The dick throbbed inside me, he picked up speed I could tell he was about to cum, faster and faster he went, magazines fell on the floor, our bodies drenched in sweat, he bent,down and kissed me passionately, allowing me to taste myself. Our bodies shook as we came together. He laid on me to regain his composure. He kissed me again. I smiled at him. We got up and cleaned ourselves in his bathroom. I got dressed and as I was leaving, he said I will see you at home Mrs. Monroe.
Copyright 2011 © PrettyWomanPersona
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wife vs Wifey
She tries to look like me,.
Dress like me.
Walk, talk, and act like me;
But she just don't realize that she will never be me.
I hold the true key, that platinum piece, he only blesses her with what, a ten carrot thing? I laugh, because she thinks it she running things, I guess she doesn't know that I know everything. True enough I know he steps out every now and then, not saying I accept that shit. I make him learn the hard way on his end. He always comes back to me begging and for a second chance. I take him back because we been through a lot and I know he's my man. Got these Lil girls calling me talking about how they had him doing this and that. That's fine, but baby girl look where he's at.
Talking about he bought you a new pair of shoes. How cute boo boo your enjoying that loose change he gives you?
I notices all the stares and evil glares from the women as we walk by. I hear the slick shit they try and say on the sly. Does it bother me? No not really and you ask why? Well its simply put. I'm the wife and they just the wifey sitting and waiting on standby. They the one's you take to places where no one knows who you are. I'm the one you take out during the day introducing to family and friends. Everyone knows that I'm your lady and your my man. I'm the one you come home to every night. They are just lunch dates, and late evening. Nothing serious in my opinion, because his arms are still wrapped around me while I am sleeping, and he left you with what a sore back and wet between the thighs? Girl, open your eyes. I laugh because he's here to take of everything.
He's there for you...
Chump changefully
How funny.
Does he even call you by your first name? Or is it just his "boo thang."
Has he taken any pictures of the two of you?
Well guess why that is true, I'll give you a hint because really there is no "US", it's just a "YOU". Poor little thing getting your feelings involved. Trying to blow up his phone when it's been turned off, so you have to wait for his call.
I'm the Wife I have his heart and soul
Your the Wifey, you just posses a few phone calls and text messages and few visits here and there.
I'm the Wife. The one he takes on those expensive vacations. The one who went through trials and tribulations and still I'm here.
When you piss him off you're gone in a flash and that's because you just there to give up the ass. Your just the one he goes to when we fight, or if I'm menstruating and he needs to do some penetrating that night.
Trust, your just the Wifey type.
Trying to play in the grown woman league.
No need to argue, yell, and scream, because if were truly your man there would be no need for insecurities.
A wife such as me does not need to do such things. I'm the one he has invested time in. Your just the hit and quite it type of thing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hold the crown of WIFE yesterday, today, and for always.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersonna
Dress like me.
Walk, talk, and act like me;
But she just don't realize that she will never be me.
I hold the true key, that platinum piece, he only blesses her with what, a ten carrot thing? I laugh, because she thinks it she running things, I guess she doesn't know that I know everything. True enough I know he steps out every now and then, not saying I accept that shit. I make him learn the hard way on his end. He always comes back to me begging and for a second chance. I take him back because we been through a lot and I know he's my man. Got these Lil girls calling me talking about how they had him doing this and that. That's fine, but baby girl look where he's at.
Talking about he bought you a new pair of shoes. How cute boo boo your enjoying that loose change he gives you?
I notices all the stares and evil glares from the women as we walk by. I hear the slick shit they try and say on the sly. Does it bother me? No not really and you ask why? Well its simply put. I'm the wife and they just the wifey sitting and waiting on standby. They the one's you take to places where no one knows who you are. I'm the one you take out during the day introducing to family and friends. Everyone knows that I'm your lady and your my man. I'm the one you come home to every night. They are just lunch dates, and late evening. Nothing serious in my opinion, because his arms are still wrapped around me while I am sleeping, and he left you with what a sore back and wet between the thighs? Girl, open your eyes. I laugh because he's here to take of everything.
He's there for you...
Chump changefully
How funny.
Does he even call you by your first name? Or is it just his "boo thang."
Has he taken any pictures of the two of you?
Well guess why that is true, I'll give you a hint because really there is no "US", it's just a "YOU". Poor little thing getting your feelings involved. Trying to blow up his phone when it's been turned off, so you have to wait for his call.
I'm the Wife I have his heart and soul
Your the Wifey, you just posses a few phone calls and text messages and few visits here and there.
I'm the Wife. The one he takes on those expensive vacations. The one who went through trials and tribulations and still I'm here.
When you piss him off you're gone in a flash and that's because you just there to give up the ass. Your just the one he goes to when we fight, or if I'm menstruating and he needs to do some penetrating that night.
Trust, your just the Wifey type.
Trying to play in the grown woman league.
No need to argue, yell, and scream, because if were truly your man there would be no need for insecurities.
A wife such as me does not need to do such things. I'm the one he has invested time in. Your just the hit and quite it type of thing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hold the crown of WIFE yesterday, today, and for always.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersonna
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Love Song

He taps his finger tips.
She hums to his gentle touch.
Strumming her body.
Using her pleasure points as keys.
Her vertebrae as strings; he moves in digits up and down, cheek to cheek to hear her sounds. Her whimpers and moans are the sounds he's been longing to hear. Her heart beat, is the drum. Her breathing is what creates the rhythm to the lyrics in his head. The placements of his hands on her waist and the squeezing causing her to inhale and exhale in various mummers only he could understand. Her eyes read as a music sheet and her body as the instrument.
Play that music slow and sensual. Taking his time to make sure all the notes are perfectly aligned, each cord is perfectly stroked, each sound heard is perfectly, in order to make the perfect love song. A love song that he and she can share, the only type of song that her instrument can produce to make his flute salute and thump with anticipation.
It's his song, he knows how to play it. Where to stroke the keys erotic euphoric notes
It's her body as his instrument where he touches her there and she squirms, runs his nails down her body to get her body in tune. When he kisses her and puts his hands in places and strokes her inner most cords,
sing to those beautiful sounds her body is making.
Play that instrument daddy.
Strike the right cord and cause a radiant sound and let it bounce off the eardrum.
Play that love song.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersona
Entering the room already steamy because of all the candles lit and the fireplace going. He made his way to the couch and had a seat. She walked out from the back wearing a one piece leather cat suit. Her shadow danced on the walls as she made her way towards him. Hips swaying from side.
Clack, clack, clack; the sound her heels made on the cherry floor until she stood directly in front of him. She leaned down exposing her large breast begging to be set free. He reached up for them and she playfully pushed his hand away. Moving in for her deadly kiss; the one that captures him under her spell and they lose track of time and the next thing you know....
Her hair stuck to face and he moved it away. She rode him using the back of the couch for leverage. He wrapped his arms around her waist; guiding up and down his chocolate member. Her muscles squeezed him and he moaned. She bit her lips as she grind her hips into him. Her nails clutched the fabric leaving their imprint on them. Smacking her ass; the shape of his hands were permanently tattooed on her skin.
Dripping from her forehead, trickling down her nose, dropping between her breast. It rolled on to his chest. Moisture from the two bodies fused together. As her ample breast bounced in front of his face. He sticks his tongue out to catch a taste of her diamond hard nipples. The music the two made together; the moans, and groans, the squeaking of the couch springs all played well together.
Bodies sliding around each other, even though slippery he kept a grip on her. He wrapped his hot lips around her damp neck, finding the spot to make her gush. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him as close as she could. Her body bobbing up and down and her squishy pelvis popping against him. Trying to keep up with her steady riding, his eyes were rolling in the back of his head and heat from his body rising.
Wringing-wet individuals
Leaking juices from her genitals, oozing down his thickness to form a puddle of lust underneath them. As the milkiness of her center made its way down both of their thighs; watery eyes formed as her orgasm was on the rise. Tears of ecstasy grace her cheeks and he kisses the salty and sweet liquid away. And now as both their bodies begin to shake and voices mixed with screams and wails of ravishment bounced off the walls the flood gates opened and drowned the trunk that was planted inside of her.
They both sat their panting and trying to catch their breath. Her legs to shaky to move from his lap. He lifts her off and lays her gently on her back and kisses the her silky and vaporous body. With his head upon her chest he lays there and closes his eyes to rest.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersona
Clack, clack, clack; the sound her heels made on the cherry floor until she stood directly in front of him. She leaned down exposing her large breast begging to be set free. He reached up for them and she playfully pushed his hand away. Moving in for her deadly kiss; the one that captures him under her spell and they lose track of time and the next thing you know....
Her hair stuck to face and he moved it away. She rode him using the back of the couch for leverage. He wrapped his arms around her waist; guiding up and down his chocolate member. Her muscles squeezed him and he moaned. She bit her lips as she grind her hips into him. Her nails clutched the fabric leaving their imprint on them. Smacking her ass; the shape of his hands were permanently tattooed on her skin.
Dripping from her forehead, trickling down her nose, dropping between her breast. It rolled on to his chest. Moisture from the two bodies fused together. As her ample breast bounced in front of his face. He sticks his tongue out to catch a taste of her diamond hard nipples. The music the two made together; the moans, and groans, the squeaking of the couch springs all played well together.
Bodies sliding around each other, even though slippery he kept a grip on her. He wrapped his hot lips around her damp neck, finding the spot to make her gush. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him as close as she could. Her body bobbing up and down and her squishy pelvis popping against him. Trying to keep up with her steady riding, his eyes were rolling in the back of his head and heat from his body rising.
Wringing-wet individuals
Leaking juices from her genitals, oozing down his thickness to form a puddle of lust underneath them. As the milkiness of her center made its way down both of their thighs; watery eyes formed as her orgasm was on the rise. Tears of ecstasy grace her cheeks and he kisses the salty and sweet liquid away. And now as both their bodies begin to shake and voices mixed with screams and wails of ravishment bounced off the walls the flood gates opened and drowned the trunk that was planted inside of her.
They both sat their panting and trying to catch their breath. Her legs to shaky to move from his lap. He lifts her off and lays her gently on her back and kisses the her silky and vaporous body. With his head upon her chest he lays there and closes his eyes to rest.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersona
Anoymous Part 2
Heels clicked on the concrete as she went to meet her lover.
Perfume smooched the noses of people who she walked by and turned the heads of men accompanied by their women.
Lustful stares from him....Hateful stares from her.
But she didn't care, she was on a mission.
The sway of her hips, the bounce of her breast as she her pace was steady, yet quick. Looking over her shoulder, she caught the eye of many watching her.
Many smiles shot her way, frowns, and mean glances, but she knew the chances would happen.
The lady in the red dress.
So form fitting, cupping her pantiless ass, not even boy shorts could contain it. Thick legs work the four inch heels that match her exotic dress, which was backless and the rhinestone choker around the neck. Accessories shining so bright as the night lights hit them.
She reached her destination and heard all the words about her
"Damn she sexy."
"Oh, I want her."
"She think she something."
"I look better than her."
All just made her laugh as she passed the crowd and let in immediately. Swiftly she made her way to V.I.P. Ordered and drink and listened to the bass of the music that melted into her body causing her body to sway.
The stares....The glares coming from every angle, but like an creamy chocolate angel she smiled and nodded to all the eyes in her direction. She searched the crowd for her lover...sure she would find him shortly, she sipped her Mango flavored liquor, crossing her legs from one side to the other...she locked eyes with her lover.
He had been watching her. Smelled her from across the lounge. The motion of her body was quite hypnotizing and that dress. That red dress, was so inviting. How it hugged the curves he would love to drive his tongue around.
He smiled at her, she smiled back. He sent a drink over to her table which she sat so lonely at. Raising her glass as a thank you, she continued to sip liquid sexual hightener. Taking the last swallow from her glass, she decided she was going to shake her ass on the dance floor.
The music invaded her body, the liquor took over her sensation and she danced like no one was around. Her lover came up to her and place his hand around her center. His warm hands graced her skin. Her perfume and his cologne collided together causing an explosion of erotic edorphines. They danced for felt like hours to a four minute song.
She looked up at him and he went in for a kiss, stopping him with her finger to his lips. She excused herself to the restroom to freshen up. He went to the bar to wait for her.
He waited..
And waited..
And checking his watch, he waited a little longer, he was going to get up and search for her, until the waiter came back with a message from her... and it read
"Dear lover, I had a wonderful time, but I had to leave. You have turn to my point of breaking. If you want to find me is a little a clue, the red dress I wore..from me to you.
Anonymously Me.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersonna
Perfume smooched the noses of people who she walked by and turned the heads of men accompanied by their women.
Lustful stares from him....Hateful stares from her.
But she didn't care, she was on a mission.
The sway of her hips, the bounce of her breast as she her pace was steady, yet quick. Looking over her shoulder, she caught the eye of many watching her.
Many smiles shot her way, frowns, and mean glances, but she knew the chances would happen.
The lady in the red dress.
So form fitting, cupping her pantiless ass, not even boy shorts could contain it. Thick legs work the four inch heels that match her exotic dress, which was backless and the rhinestone choker around the neck. Accessories shining so bright as the night lights hit them.
She reached her destination and heard all the words about her
"Damn she sexy."
"Oh, I want her."
"She think she something."
"I look better than her."
All just made her laugh as she passed the crowd and let in immediately. Swiftly she made her way to V.I.P. Ordered and drink and listened to the bass of the music that melted into her body causing her body to sway.
The stares....The glares coming from every angle, but like an creamy chocolate angel she smiled and nodded to all the eyes in her direction. She searched the crowd for her lover...sure she would find him shortly, she sipped her Mango flavored liquor, crossing her legs from one side to the other...she locked eyes with her lover.
He had been watching her. Smelled her from across the lounge. The motion of her body was quite hypnotizing and that dress. That red dress, was so inviting. How it hugged the curves he would love to drive his tongue around.
He smiled at her, she smiled back. He sent a drink over to her table which she sat so lonely at. Raising her glass as a thank you, she continued to sip liquid sexual hightener. Taking the last swallow from her glass, she decided she was going to shake her ass on the dance floor.
The music invaded her body, the liquor took over her sensation and she danced like no one was around. Her lover came up to her and place his hand around her center. His warm hands graced her skin. Her perfume and his cologne collided together causing an explosion of erotic edorphines. They danced for felt like hours to a four minute song.
She looked up at him and he went in for a kiss, stopping him with her finger to his lips. She excused herself to the restroom to freshen up. He went to the bar to wait for her.
He waited..
And waited..
And checking his watch, he waited a little longer, he was going to get up and search for her, until the waiter came back with a message from her... and it read
"Dear lover, I had a wonderful time, but I had to leave. You have turn to my point of breaking. If you want to find me is a little a clue, the red dress I wore..from me to you.
Anonymously Me.
Copyright 2012 © PrettyWomanPersonna
Dear Future Lover,
I know you don't know me but trust and believe I'm the sexual deviant that you have been waiting for. Ready to open that erotic, raw, emotion that you have bottled up inside of you. Allow me to tap into that animalistic sense and play on that uncharted fantasy the one where bondage and sweet desserts come into play.
Warm, liquid honey.
Sticky strawberries and whip cream that melts onto your being.
Sweet Seduction.
Alluring visual.
Topped with a tantalizing taste.
Permit me to take you by the hand and lead you to a seat in the middle of the room, lights dimmed low and a table covered with my arsenal of handcuffs, whips, and a blind fold.
Sit and relax.
Let the aroma of lavender and vanilla scented candles ease your mind.
The cuffs.
As I take your arms and pull them behind your back, kissing your neck and nibbling your earlobe. Sniffing your cologne and my head gets dizzy, but I must focus on the task at hand. With me standing behind you and only my shadow on the wall to entice, I undress into something a little more appropriate for the evening.
The blindfold, retreived from the table black and satin slid down your face, confining your eyes from my shadow dancing on the wall before you. As I make my way in front you and bend down, I decorate your lips with mine and enable you to taste my liquid hold peppermint tongue. Ripping your shirt from your body; trust me you won't need it. Attacking your chest with kiss after kiss hitting your spots to turn you on and send blood flowing to the love muscle in between. After the building up of pleasure through teasing I think we are both ready for the pleasing.
The whip.
I used to gently, but still with force awaken your senses and those "pray on me" instincts so that when I let you loose, you'll pounce on me.
How delectable.
The excitement between us is growing; I can sense it and feel it oozing from your body drawing me closer. Grabbing you by your belt buckle, I pull you to your feet and lead you to the bedroom quarters where I will continue my pleasurable torture. Yes I know your hands are still cuffed behind you, are you worried? Don't worry, you shouldn't be. Make yourself at home on the bed of roses and silk sheets. I'll uncuff you for just a moment and feed you the strawberries that I had soaking in wine and milk chocolate. While I have your lips destracted with mine, I'll cuff one hand to the bed post and then the other. I'll remove your blindfold and let your eyes behold the beauty of me.
Laughing to myself, I wipe the drool from your mouth. One more kiss, deep and passionate, tongues tickling eachother; breaking our kiss and pushing you down onto the bed and replacing my lips with this scarf. The neighbors might hear you scream.
Removing your pants from your body, to find your man standing at attention and instant salivation consumes my mouth. The eye winking at me and the vein calling me; taunting, daring me to come and feel it. So I do. Licking like its my favorite ice cream, sucking like it's the thickest milk shake. I can see your toes starting to curl and your body moving. That's my cue to mount you and ride like a tidal wave.
As I lower myself onto your massive muscle.....
I'm running out of ink,
So this is to be continued....
Sincerely... Anonymously Me.
Copyright 2011 © PrettyWomanPersonna
I know you don't know me but trust and believe I'm the sexual deviant that you have been waiting for. Ready to open that erotic, raw, emotion that you have bottled up inside of you. Allow me to tap into that animalistic sense and play on that uncharted fantasy the one where bondage and sweet desserts come into play.
Warm, liquid honey.
Sticky strawberries and whip cream that melts onto your being.
Sweet Seduction.
Alluring visual.
Topped with a tantalizing taste.
Permit me to take you by the hand and lead you to a seat in the middle of the room, lights dimmed low and a table covered with my arsenal of handcuffs, whips, and a blind fold.
Sit and relax.
Let the aroma of lavender and vanilla scented candles ease your mind.
The cuffs.
As I take your arms and pull them behind your back, kissing your neck and nibbling your earlobe. Sniffing your cologne and my head gets dizzy, but I must focus on the task at hand. With me standing behind you and only my shadow on the wall to entice, I undress into something a little more appropriate for the evening.
The blindfold, retreived from the table black and satin slid down your face, confining your eyes from my shadow dancing on the wall before you. As I make my way in front you and bend down, I decorate your lips with mine and enable you to taste my liquid hold peppermint tongue. Ripping your shirt from your body; trust me you won't need it. Attacking your chest with kiss after kiss hitting your spots to turn you on and send blood flowing to the love muscle in between. After the building up of pleasure through teasing I think we are both ready for the pleasing.
The whip.
I used to gently, but still with force awaken your senses and those "pray on me" instincts so that when I let you loose, you'll pounce on me.
How delectable.
The excitement between us is growing; I can sense it and feel it oozing from your body drawing me closer. Grabbing you by your belt buckle, I pull you to your feet and lead you to the bedroom quarters where I will continue my pleasurable torture. Yes I know your hands are still cuffed behind you, are you worried? Don't worry, you shouldn't be. Make yourself at home on the bed of roses and silk sheets. I'll uncuff you for just a moment and feed you the strawberries that I had soaking in wine and milk chocolate. While I have your lips destracted with mine, I'll cuff one hand to the bed post and then the other. I'll remove your blindfold and let your eyes behold the beauty of me.
Laughing to myself, I wipe the drool from your mouth. One more kiss, deep and passionate, tongues tickling eachother; breaking our kiss and pushing you down onto the bed and replacing my lips with this scarf. The neighbors might hear you scream.
Removing your pants from your body, to find your man standing at attention and instant salivation consumes my mouth. The eye winking at me and the vein calling me; taunting, daring me to come and feel it. So I do. Licking like its my favorite ice cream, sucking like it's the thickest milk shake. I can see your toes starting to curl and your body moving. That's my cue to mount you and ride like a tidal wave.
As I lower myself onto your massive muscle.....
I'm running out of ink,
So this is to be continued....
Sincerely... Anonymously Me.
Copyright 2011 © PrettyWomanPersonna
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