And rethinking...what happened, to slow to the draw?
Slipped through my fingers...
It was right there...
And now its disappeared...
No warning...
It just happened
Can't say I'm really surprised
It was staring me in the eyes
I didn't take heed.
If I had
Would things have been indeed
Finding out such things broke my heart into a million pieces.
Pieces of my heart shattered on the ground
Careful not to inflict my wounds onto you
Kind of emotionless as I sit and watch
Sit and observe, feeling more emotions that just disturbed
More like perturbed, but I don't want to be obsurbed, since
You weren't mine to begin with.
Happy that your happy
Sad its not with me..
But my heart you'll always have a part.
I can't really deny that I didn't see it coming
After you said what you said, I saw it slowly happening
Slowly drifting away
Day after day
Less communication
But our friendship I keep my dedication
Silently, I walk away...
Copyright 2011 © PrettyWomanPersona
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