In the mood to write, but not sure what to write...sexual tension needs to be released, unleash this beast, so that the words can come so easily. I want you to read something sexy from me, ladies get in you lacy teddies and a glass of moscoto, cuddle up by the fire with the man you desire, what I write may cause an inner inferno. Fellas listen to her body as it begins to talk. The hum of her lips, the heave of her chest, the beat of her heart. The only song you should be listening to. As you read these words in front of you, I suggest you do as they tell you to do. take her in you arms. Allow him to be your knight in shining armor. Stare deep into her eyes. Allow him to see not just the beauty on the outside, but the genuine angel that lies within. Kiss her deeply. Passion from within her surrounds the two; sending on them highest of highs. While parts below in her valley begin to flow, and the member in between thy thighs becomes as hard as steel. True love of the two is soon to be revealed.
Copyright 2011 © PrettyWomanPersonna
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