Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I have a question, one that has been plaguing my mind, and taunting my thoughts.
I have a question, one I want to ask, but my lips won't form the words because I know my heart isn't ready for the answer. I thought  we had all the answers. You know to the questions of how we can make it work better, on how we can beat all the odds and remain together forever.
I want to ask where did we go wrong? Where did I go wrong? Was it something I said? The mask that you wore with that "I'm Happy" smile every time we were together, I could see the paint starting to peel everytime you came around.
I have a question, is this part of a life lesson? Are you planning to come back around? By that time will I have hoped to find someone who is worth my time, love, and affection?
I have a question, was it all a joke from the beginning? Did you mean all if any thing you've ever told me? The I love you's, the I want you's, the no more searching because I found you. Was any of that true?
I have a question, just one more... but I know if I ask this question, I'll never get the answer I'm looking for..
Lady R © 2012

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