Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Verbal Imprisonment

I stood staring at my blank canvas
Weapon in hand
Awaiting for the words to flow
For my ink to bleed
For a new life breathe
For my creation to form.
It's like giving birth to a thousand babies
At once...

It hurts...

But as it progresses and grows in front of me
I run out of room on this once bare wall
So I turn to my right and continue to write
The words ooze from me steadily like crimson red
leaks from an open wound
The alphabet consuming me
Words hitting like a tornado in Oklahoma
Damaging and destroying everything around me

It hurts...

Word after word
phrase after phrase
Sentence after sentence
Try to break free from this verbal imprisonment
Running out of room yet again, so I turn
To my right and continue to write
Angrily attacking another empty slate
To help vacate my memories

It hurts...

They're closing in so swiftly
These four walls around me
I'm out of room again! So I turn
To my right and being to write
Pouring out every discussion
As I have this conversation with the
Only one who understands me..

It hurts...

I can't breathe, every stroke I make
I bring into being new life to the living
Pushing out
A lingual being...
I'm running out of room
So I drop to my knees and continue
Scribing because its the only sense
I have of surviving

It hurts...

I've run out of room again!
I look up to the ceiling from where
I am kneeling and realize no matter how
Far my arms stretch up to reach
While my ink seeps
I'll never be able to escape..
These words now taunting me..
Haunting me...

I'll never be free from this cube
This Verbal Imprisonment.

Lady R © 2013

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