Monday, December 23, 2013

These Thighs

These Thighs

I was told that I should apologize for these thighs. These chocolate covered, thick and fluffy thighs. These tattooed and enticing, make jeans look like they are painted on thighs. These thighs that jiggle just a little when I walk.

I was told that I should apologize for these eyes. These eyes that have stories that are untold. These eyes that if you stare long enough they can peer into your soul. These eyes that twinkle in the sun or the moonlight.

I was told that I should apologize for these lips and smile that can turn the worst day around. These lips and smile that can have a man travel for miles just to be in my presence. These lips that speak the truth and this smile that can hypnotize.

I was told that I should apologize for this mind. The one I use to make my own decisions. The one that enables me to be my own person and to use assertion to get my points across.

Why should I have to apologize for being the creation that God made me? Who said that everyone had to the same? So what if I’m not 5’10 weighing 110. I’m embracing my 5’4 and my and my juiciness galore. I implore thee to be who are made to be and not conform into what society deems you should be.

I will not apologize for the skin I’m in.

I will not apologize for these eyes.

I will not apologize for these lips and smile.

I will not apologize for this mind.

I will not apologize for these thighs.

Lady R © 2012

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